We collaborate on future LIFE systems through HOPEPUNK, bravery and care
When!When! is a design studio that tests and actively implements ideas and projects on systemic transformation with the goal to slow down our speeding metacrisis, look at simplicity as a tool for innovation and create a beautiful and regenerative life for all.
Even though the climate agenda has been an active topic within international politics since the 70’s, we still don’t see the necessary societal changes needed. As a collective we have all the solutions and technologies needed to restore a better natural environment, but we’re not organising ourselves or using our deep knowledge to prevent temperatures from increasing further. Why is that?
We believe, that at the core of our planetary problems lies vulnerable human ponderings about why we live, what life is meant to be and how that is deeply intertwined with our economic structure. By daring to open up dialogues on economy and emotions, fear and trust, technology and finite resources, but also on hope and how all living things profoundly need each other, we believe we can unlock new possibilities for our shared futures.
new project
Our Services
We have many years of expertise in future foresight, global risks and creative opportunities.
As consultants we create guidebooks and frameworks for companies, projects and ideas and in relation to their individual situation in both global and local regenerative systems.
We incorporate new economic thinking through:
Board and executive learning
Post growth scenario guidance
New global values & opportunities
We help design visual strategies for clients so they can turn into beautiful regenerative individuals and systems with caring longterm perspectives.
New school based on Doughnut Economics
Tomelilla, 2023- 2024
When!When! is creating the strategy on how to build and create a new school fit for 21st century based on holistic views of learning environments and based on the principles of the Doughnut Economics together with Tomelilla Municipality + DEAL (Doughnut Economics Action Lab).
The project will work with regenerative perspectives, philosophy, new economic systems and examine broader local and global needs that extend beyond the school building.
Malmö, Sweden, 2023
An award winning explorative public cultural space about future cities, economy and being human.
By accommodating dialogues on regenerative futures, Anon aims to open up for new innovation, network, pathways and collective joy.
Future of Education
Global 2024
When!When! is creating the strategy on how to build and create a new school fit for 21st century based on holistic views of learning environments and based on the principles of the Doughnut Economy.
1,5 % Emergency Pledge
Malmö, Sweden, 2023
Emergency Pledge Malmö is a warm invitation to all companies in Malmö to invest into our shared future and a future for the next generation. Through a generous business model of investing 1,5% of the yearly profit to a new fund we can collectively invest into work that tackles climate change. However, the call is not solely focusing on gathering investments for vital projects on climate change. It is just as much about creating a shared vision within a city and creating an inclusive and positive community where we meet, share and discuss common future outlooks.
Mothering Economy - new book
Global, 2024
Mothering – care and generosity – sits at the core of human society. It is what creates meaningful lives, yet it is often forgotten when it comes to exploring innovation and solutions to our shared and global issues. Mothering Economy is a raw and personal exploration by design strategist and architect Jenny Grettve. Through systemic thinking, she shares her own perspectives on the current and brutal metacrisis, on patriarchy and wars, on tenderness and hope, while taking the reader on a journey of philosophy, economy and caring futures. The book is an honest dissection of what we all might need to know to change our mindsets and collectively and caringly mother our surroundings.
Course for teenagers on the Metacrisis
Malmö, Sweden, 2024
A radical and beautiful course on economic systems, their internal relationships and how they can be not only better understood, but also better incorporated into our everyday lives. Global experts share their knowledge and work to experiment with learning for a new generation.
Contact jenny@whenwhen.agency for more information.
Mapping of Circular Materiality for the construction industry
Denmark + Sweden 2024
When!When! is creating the strategy on how to build and create a new school fit for 21st century based on holistic views of learning environments and based on the principles of the Doughnut Economy.
The project will work with regenerative perspectives, philosophy, new economic systems and examine broader local and global needs that extend beyond the school building.
Prototyping Food Systems
Sweden, 2024 - 2025
When!When! is creating the strategy on how to build and create a new school fit for 21st century based on holistic views of learning environments and based on the principles of the Doughnut Economy.